Mastering Catastrophic Risk

Michael Useem, Howard Kunreuther

Mastering Catastrophic Risk



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Mastering Catastrophic Risk addresses the issue of catastrophic risks that companies are increasingly faced with. Natural disasters, human errors and terrorist attacks are just a few examples of events that can have enormous consequences for an activity. Knowing the risks, preparing management and response plans, and knowing how to implement them in times of need are essential requirements for any business. We will discover how large companies have faced crisis that otherwise would have destroyed them, and we will learn how these experiences can help any company prepare for the worst. It's not about if it will happen, it's about when.

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Analysis and key concepts


The catastrophic events represented in the acronym DISRUPT


Entrepreneurial decisions to manage interruptions effectively


What companies affected by a crisis do


How companies are changing the way they approach risk




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Many useful tips to:

  • Understand how catastrophic events, such as earthquakes or terrorist attacks, can put a company in crisis.
  • Understand what strategies and approaches companies can adopt to predict, and when required, to manage these problems.
  • Hear the direct experiences of large companies that have faced catastrophic crises, and discover how their experiences can help other companies.

Michael Useem is Professor of Management, Director of the Center for Leadership and Change Management, and Faculty Director for the McNulty Leadership Program at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. His courses include Masters in leadership and change, governance and decision-making. His books include The Leadership Moment, Investor Capitalism and The Leader's Checklist.

Howard Kunreuther is a professor of Decision Sciences at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and co-director of the Wharton Risk Management and Decision Process Center. For years he has managed low probability / high impact events related to technological problems and natural disasters. His books include The Ostrich Paradox, Insurance and Behavioral Economics and Leadership Dispatches.

Publishing house:

Oxford University Press





