
Po Bronson, Ashley Merryman

Po Bronson, Ashley Merryman




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In NurtureShock: New Thinking About Children, Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman analyse how common misconceptions and unfounded beliefs have influenced the way we raise our children. The authors examine several scientific studies, which show that traditional parenting methods are often counterproductive and ineffective, and that when it comes to our children, we often follow other people’s advice without stopping to wonder whether it is right for us or for our family. Recent scientific findings, however, are now pointing to a new way of thinking, which is far more constructive and beneficial for both parents and children.

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Analysis and key concepts


Constantly praising and encouraging our children is not always the right choice


Sleep is crucial for the development of a child’s brain


Children learn to lie from a very early age and do so more and more as they grow up


There are several common misconceptions about why siblings fight


The relationship between parents impacts a child’s level of aggression, but there is a silver lining


Parents need to talk to their children about racism and integration


Boredom in teenagers is often dangerous, because it can lead to behaviour that is harmful to themselves and other people




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Many useful tips to:

  • Discover a completely new perspective on raising children.
  • Realise that traditional parenting approaches are often restrictive or counterproductive.
  • Explore new and insightful ways of relating to your children.

Po Bronson was born in Seattle in 1964, and is a writer and journalist. He graduated from Stanford University in 1986, and after a brief stint in finance, decided to focus on his writing career. In 1995, he published the international bestseller Bombardiers, and went on to write other books and articles for publications, such as The New York Times Magazine and Wired. In the 2000s, he published the hugely successful What Should I Do With My Life?. He currently lives in San Francisco with his wife and two children.

Ashley Merryman studied law at Georgetown University Law Center, and is an expert on leadership and personal growth. She has helped several Olympic athletes improve their performance under pressure. In 2018, she served as a diversity and inclusion advisor at the Pentagon, where she created The Watch List, a programme for the prevention of military sexual assault now used by the United States Navy and Marine Corps.

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