​​On Creativity

David Bohm

​​On Creativity



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American physicist and philosopher, David Bohm, is widely considered to have been one of the most original thinkers of the last century, and to have made a significant contribution to the field of quantum mechanics. So, what does physics have to do with creativity? The answer is a great deal, because creativity is an essential part of science, and of life in general: without creativity, there is no progress. In his book, On Creativity, Bohm analyses the concept of creativity not only from the perspective of invention, imagination, and originality, but also of perception and discovery. We are all creative, regardless of our particular talents: in order to harness our creativity, we need to free ourselves of our preconceptions, always be willing to learn, be original, and try to discover the creative harmony that exists in all things.

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Analysis and key concepts


Creativity is essential for scientific progress


The relationship between art and science lies in the concepts of beauty, truth, and integrity


Creative imagination lies somewhere between insight and ‘fancy’


It is important to understand the difference between reactive and reflective thought, in order to develop creative intelligence


Letting go of our mechanical thought processes is essential to fostering originality, and therefore, creativity


Fragmented thought is the cause of many problems in the world, so it is important to understand its purpose




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Many useful tips to:

  • Discover the concept of creativity from a new and unique perspective.
  • Identify the similarities and differences between art and science.
  • Learn about the creative process of one of the greatest thinkers of the last century.

David Bohm was an American physicist and philosopher. He was born in Wyoming in 1917, to a Hungarian father and Lithuanian mother, and died in 1992. After completing his doctorate at the University of California in 1943, he specialised in theoretical physics and quantum mechanics at several of America’s most prestigious universities, including Princeton and Berkeley. Political dynamics of the times also led him to live and work in Brazil, Israel, and Great Britain. His greatest contribution was his development of the pilot wave theory first put forward by Louis de Broglie; he is widely considered one of the most original and influential thinkers of the second half of the 20th century.

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