Organize Tomorrow Today

Tom Bartow , Matthew Rudy , Jason Selk

Organize Tomorrow Today



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Behind every great performance lies hard work, consistency and concentration. Just like a sports team doesn't win the league only because of their talents, so do successes in the business world require commitment, preparation and clarity. Organize Tomorrow Today is the result of an effective mix of a series of techniques used by world class athletes and business coaches, a method that everyone can apply to their daily lives to get the results they are hoping for. The book is a manual that can offer solid advice on how to become more productive, achieve results, and keep going long-term without falling into the ever-looming trap of procrastination and complacency. 

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Analysis and key concepts


There is a fine line between sports and business coaching


The human mind has enormous power, but it can only process seven concepts at a time


Start with the basics and allow yourself the time you need: a method to take back control and change your life


Urgent and important are not the same thing: organising today what you need to do tomorrow helps you set priorities


Choosing wisely means knowing how best to invest your energy


Maximising your time means creating more of it, making the most of breaks between one task and another


Myth: it takes 21 days to create a habit


A correct self-assessment of your performance helps put you on the path to success


Talking to yourself helps find the motivation to keep going in any given situation


Being an able public speaker: communication is an essential part of relationships


Choosing what type of person you want to be and getting into action, avoiding any pitfalls




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Many useful tips to:

  • Learn to identify the most important jobs that need to be completed by the end of the day.
  • Become more productive.
  • Increase and maintain your level of performance.

Tom Bartow successfully coached an American college basketball team before becoming one of Edward Jones’ best-known financial advisors. He attributes his success to the teachings of John Wooden, the famous basketball coach at UCLA, whose teachings he followed and applied. In 1999, Bartow went on to help American Funds Capital Income Builder fund nearly triple in value, since which time he has become one of the most sought after business coaches in the world.

Matthew Rudy has written and co-written many books, including books about the business world, travel, and golf, among which titles are Mastering Golf’s Mental Game, The Art of Scoring, The Long Drive Bible, How to Play Better Golf Today.He has worked with Hank Haney and John Miller, and has written for Golf Digest since 1999.

Dr Jason Selk is a performance coach for professional athletes of several different sports, as well as for managers, entrepreneurs and big firms such as Northwestern Mutual and Edward Jones. He directed a mental training program for the St Louis Cardinals baseball team, and helped lead them to victory at the Major League Baseball Championship in 2006 and 2011. He writes for Forbes and ESPN on a regular basis, and has published two best-sellers, 10-minute Toughness and Executive Toughness.

Publishing house:

Da Capo Lifelong Books





