Origin Story

David Gilbert Christian

Origin Story



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Telling stories of the origin of our planet and indeed of humanity is a tradition that has its roots in ancient times, when the very first populations sat around a fire to pass our stories on through the generations. Today, our world has changed, and those stories are seldom told, but we still need an Origin Story to connect us and to help us gain a better understanding of our world. In his best-seller, Origin Story: A Big History of Everything, the historian David Christian uses a thoroughly researched mix of biology, geology and history, to tell us where we come from. 

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Analysis and key concepts


It is time to write a new history of where we come from, this time in a modern key


It all started with the Big Bang, and the forces that set it off


The creation of our solar system and Earth came about by chemical sorting and accretion


Life originated 3.8 billion years ago from LUCA, “the last universal common ancestor”, and from prokaryotes


The evolution of small animals and mammals began with the advent of eukaryotes


The secret of human evolution lies in their capacity to store and interpret information


The advent of agriculture enabled the development of the first complex societies


The world became global out of the necessity to find new lands, which led to the Anthropocene




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Many useful tips to:

  • Better understand the history of the origin of life on our planet.
  • Acquire a new perspective on the history of humanity.
  • Approach the creation of the universe from a scientific perspective.

David Gilbert Christian is an American historian and author. Initially specialising in Russian history, he is known today for having coined the name Big History for the discipline that examines history from the Big Bang to the present. He taught his first university course on the subject in 1989, and the revelation was this new, multidisciplinary approach to offer a new perspective on the history of our world, including cosmic, biological, and geological history with a focus on the whole universe, rather than simply on humans. Today Gilbert Christian continues his work with the support of Microsoft founder Bill Gates, and has written several publications including Big History: Between Nothing and Everything, and Origin Story: A Big History of Everything.

Publishing house:

Little Brown & Co





