Power vs. Force

David Ramon Hawkins

Power vs. Force



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Force and power are both generated by our emotions: force is connected to negative emotions, positive emotions relate to power. These emotions, or emotional states, are plotted on a Map of Consciousness, and are organised according to their impact on other people. In Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, David R. Hawkins provides an extensive analysis of the consciousness as a determinant of both individual and collective human behaviour. Through a series of kinesiology tests carried out over a period of twenty years, Hawkins compiled a sort of ‘ranking of consciousness’, starting at one end of the scale with ‘death’, meaning anything that weakens us and does not sustain life, and finishing at the opposite end with ‘life’, meaning everything that gives us life and strength.

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Analysis and key concepts


The human brain is like a computer with access to a vast database of knowledge and universal truths


Kinesiological scanning is a method of investigation, which can be applied to both industrial and scientific fields


Levels of consciousness can be calibrated on a logarithmic scale ranging from 1 to 1,000


The creation of a psychological morphogenetic field, or M-field, gives rise to new possibilities for human achievement


People who manage to raise their levels of consciousness benefit enormously from being able to distinguish true from false


Becoming more conscious is the greatest gift anyone can give the world




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Many useful tips to:

  • Learn how to determine the truth or falsehood of any statement or event.
  • Explore the nature of true power, which can only be obtained through spiritual practices.
  • Learn how to calibrate the energy of emotions and consciousness.

David Ramon Hawkins was a psychiatrist and member of the American Psychiatric Association, as well as being the founding director of The Institute for Advanced Theoretical Research in Arizona. Over the course of his long career, he participated in numerous TV programmes, and throughout his professional career as a therapist, was always an avid author of scientific publications. He developed an interest in spirituality and consciousness, which he wrote about in his book Transcending the Levels of Consciousness: The Stairway to Enlightenment. His research and teachings have also been detailed in Who's Who in America. 

Publishing house:

Hay House Inc





