Promise Me, Dad

Joe Biden

Promise Me, Dad



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Promise Me, Dad is the passionate tale of a father who takes us on a walk down memory lane. Writing during the time he served as vice president of the United States, under the Barack Obama administration, Joe Biden takes us - with enormous self-composure - through both his private life and public commitments, ranging from the sense of helplessness he felt for his terminally ill son, to the desire to carry on his mission of political leadership for his country. Promise Me, Dad is a delicate, intimate and moving story that shows how interconnected a person’s private and public lives are, and how much one influences the other in relation to a shared purpose. The serious family mourning that Biden had to go through following the premature death of his son, Beau, further strengthened Joe Biden’s resolution to intervene for the good of his country. The portrait that emerges is that of Joe Biden as a human, who is loyal and capable - a man who is most of all a father, a husband, a grandfather, and a friend, before calling himself a politician.

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Analysis and key concepts


Family: Joe Biden and his “home base”


The great trials of life: the car accident, and the illness of his eldest son, Beau


For Biden, having a purpose in life and staying true to your mission matters more than anything else.


Nomination for the United States primaries, and his subsequent withdrawal


Joe Biden and the hope for a better future




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Many useful tips to:

  • Learn the back story behind Joe Biden's candidacy for President of the United States. 
  • Understand the values that drive Joe Biden's politics.
  • Learn about Joe Biden's moving personal story, marked by terrible loss and unshakable faith. 

At the age of 30, Joe Biden, became the youngest person ever elected as a US Senator, and has dedicated his life to the common good, and the good of his country. Biden represented the state of Delaware for 36 years before becoming Vice President of the United States of America (2009-2017). He created the Biden Foundation, the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement (University of Pennsylvania), and the Biden Institute for Domestic Policy.

Publishing house:

Flatiron Books





