Psicologia a strappo

Luca Mazzucchelli

Psicologia a strappo



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Human beings have an innate desire to improve, but it can be difficult to stay focussed on the steps we need to take to get there. Every day, our intentions must be transformed into actions, in other words habits, in order to guide us through a life of more successful behaviours. One effective method for this is to keep suggestions and reflections in sight, and close at hand, every day. Psicologia a strappo. 60 pensieri da leggere, conservare e condividere con le persone che ami (Portable Psychology: 60 Lessons To Read, Keep, And Share With The People You Love) is a perfect guide, both in form and content, and contains flash cards which are designed to be torn out, and left in clear view, where they can be most useful.

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Analysis and key concepts


Ideas give rise to action, which leads to results: our minds are the most important tool we can use to effectively achieve our goals


Genuine success is not measured by what we have, but by what we have built, and what we have contributed to the world by helping others, and carrying out projects


Taking responsibility for our choices greatly influences the results we are able to achieve: if we do not act to change something we don’t like, we are actively taking responsibility for everything staying the same


Our emotions can be a useful guide, if we know how to “read” them correctly: fear can be a sign that we strongly care about something, and help us to identify an important objective


Our relationships with other people begin with the relationship we have with ourselves: we must be deeply empathetic with our inner self, so that we can relate to others effectively


Understanding is the first important step, but, in order to turn ideas into behaviour, and therefore results, we need to use actions consistently, until they become habits




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Many useful tips to:

  • Become the best version of ourselves, day after day.
  • Gain a deeper awareness of our values, and understand how to build on them.
  • Use empathy to improve our relationships with other people.

Luca Mazzucchelli is a psychologist, psychotherapist, educator and entrepreneur. In 2012 he launched the first YouTube psychology channel in Italy, which today comprises over 800 free videos. In addition to making videos, he produces educational talks and training sessions, as well as other psychology-based content, in order to spread his expertise not only to the lives of private individuals, but also, thanks to his consulting company LMC s.r.l, to the world of business. He is Director of "Contemporary Psychology", a magazine on scientific psychology, in publication in Italy since 1974. From 2014 to 2019 he was vice president of the Lombardy Order of Psychologists. In 2018 the Italian Coach Association named him best Psychological Coach in Italy.

Publishing house:

Giunti Psychometrics





