Rage Becomes Her

Soraya Chemaly

Soraya Chemaly

Rage Becomes Her



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Anger is an important emotion that, if managed effectively, can be used as a tool to improve our life. From an early age, women are taught to stifle and squash their anger, because expressing it in public does not fit in with society’s idea of femininity. In her book Rage Becomes Her: The Power of Women's Anger, Soraya Chemaly explains the impact on women denied the chance to openly express their anger, the profound implications of this cultural convention, and the potential solutions which could provide greater expressive freedom for women in all walks of life.

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Analysis and key concepts


Anger is a necessary emotion to achieve well-being


Men and women experience anger in the same way: what differentiates them is their response to this feeling, and how this response is perceived by society


Women are taught from an early age to control their anger, and this has a detrimental effect on their lives


The stoicism that women display, in order to adhere to the cultural models they learn in childhood, can cause serious health problems


Anger, self-confidence, and aggression – including passive aggression – are all emotions that are often confused in a woman


Women have been forced into a position of inferiority, by learning not to express their anger as a man would


Prioritising the needs of others over their own means that women are unable to understand when they are being mistreated


The first step to changing this situation is to embrace our anger




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Many useful tips to:

  • Change our attitude towards anger.
  • Understand the need to make emotions gender-neutral.
  • Improve our lives, by accepting anger as a constructive tool.

Soraya Chemaly is an activist and author who writes and speaks frequently on gender issues, inclusivity, social justice, free speech, and technology. Director and co-founder of the Women's Media Center Speech Project, she has long been committed to improving and increasing women's civic and political participation. Her book, Rage Becomes Her: The Power of Women's Anger, received recognition as the best book of 2018 by the Washington Post, Fast Company, Psychology Today and NPR.

Publishing house:

Atria Books





