Rethink Creativity

Monica Kang

Rethink Creativity



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Creativity enriches our lives, and should be a highly valued commodity in any company, because encouraging creativity in the workplace provides the gateway to innovation. Rethink Creativity: How to Innovate, Inspire, and Thrive at Work provides effective strategies to stimulate creativity, starting with how to encourage a safe environment in which people feel free to experiment and propose their own innovative solutions.

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Analysis and key concepts


In 2019, the World Health Organization estimated that cases of work-related depression and anxiety cost the global economy a trillion dollars every year, so we need to urgently and completely transform the workplace, staring with nurturing people’s creativity


When we set aside social expectations, and allow ourselves to define who we want to be, not only do we experience a new and more authentic kind of freedom, but we also embark on a path of exponential growth


The colleagues we work with every day are the key to success for the team as a whole; as a manager, who we hire and how we manage their skills is crucial


Just because we go to the gym, it does not mean we live a healthy lifestyle, if we do not also eat a balanced diet, get a good night’s sleep, and have a positive attitude. Similarly, creativity also requires a holistic approach: it is not just about being innovative at work, but also about discovering our imagination both alone and with friends


When working in a team, it is essential to remind our colleagues that it is not a crime to make a mistake, and that learning takes time. This not only helps ensure that the project is a success, but also improves the mental health and efficiency of the group as a whole


Thanks to technology, we have virtually unlimited access to knowledge, but this also curbs our instinctive desire for answers: we must try to stimulate our curiosity and look beyond pre-packaged solutions




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Many useful tips to:

  • Spark our curiosity, which is the driving force behind creativity.
  • Overcome the resistance we often feel as a result of fatigue and a fear of failure.
  • Empower our team to innovate constantly.

Monica Kang is an entrepreneur, professor, and successful author. She founded and runs Innovators Box, in order to train companies to make the best use of one of their most valuable but misunderstood resources: the creativity of their employees. In addition to writing successful books, Kang also hosts two popular podcasts: Dear Workplace and Curious Monica.

Publishing house:

Publish Your Purpose Press





