Rising Strong

Brené Brown

Rising Strong



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In her book, Rising Strong, Brené Brown provides an in-depth analysis of all the various phases of failure, and the subsequent moment in which a person has to try and climb their way back up again, after having hit rock bottom. Chapter by chapter,  the author shares the testimonies of people with whom she has come into contact during her years of research, and explores failure and growth, through both personal and second-hand experiences. Rising Strong shows the reader how to pick themselves back up again, stronger than before, transforming their failures into signposts, providing direction and guidance on their path to professional and personal growth.

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Analysis and key concepts


It is painful to go through the process of picking oneself back up, but you need to live that pain to avoid closing yourself off through “emotional stoicism”


You need to personalise the 10 "basic laws of emotional physics" in order to benefit from them to the fullest


Every difficulty you encounter is a small "hero's journey": the dark moments are what make us grow


Recognise that you have hit rock bottom and explore your experiences: how to get up stronger than before


Denying pain out of fear is more dangerous than pain itself


If you don’t honestly recognise the stories you make up in your mind, you won't be able to get back up, stronger than before


Establishing boundaries, however hard it may be, is the best way to defend and value yourself


You need to honestly manage your expectations to avoid becoming poisoned by resentment


Hope goes hand in hand with struggle, which is why we must not hide our failures or our shame


Nostalgia can be just as risky as cowardly criticism


There needs to be a revolution in order to start living wholeheartedly




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Many useful tips to:

  • Find the strength to be courageous in difficult times, by understanding how important  it is to fall down, so as to learn, and to get back up, better than before.
  • Gain a deeper understanding of yourself and others, and use every failure as a way to increase your mindfulness.
  • Give due consideration to the opinions of others, and the negative thoughts you have about yourself.

Brené Brown is a professor and researcher at the University of Houston who has devoted the last ten years of her career to the study of courage, vulnerability, shame and empathy. She is also the author of five New York Times bestsellers: The Gifts of Imperfection, Daring Greatly, Rising Strong, Braving the Wilderness and Dare to Lead. Her TED talk on the power of vulnerability went viral and became one of the most viewed video-talks in the world.

Publishing house:

Random House





