Save the Cat!

Blake Snyder

Save the Cat!



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Blake Snyder was a Hollywood guru scriptwriter. In Save the Cat!, which is written in a very ironic, clear, and direct way, he explains the basics of writing for cinema. From the creation of a logline, to how a script should be structured, and from the mistakes you absolutely must avoid, to the questions that you need to be asking, even before starting to write: Snyder helps novice screenwriters with their approach to characters, dialogues, scenes, and plots, sharing fundamental rules, and providing numerous examples from modern cinema. The aim of this book is to help the reader find a method, a direct communication channel with the public, and to learn how to transform a simple idea into a successful film.

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Analysis and key concepts


Even before you start to write a script, you need to ask yourself what it is about: having a perfect logline helps


What other films does yours resemble? Genres help to frame the story, and give it more depth


Characters must have primordial needs, desires, and goals that are relatable


From the opening scene to the final one: 15 beats for a solidly structured script


The last step before really getting down to writing: using The Board to plan your script


Now is the time to write: there are some rules about characters, scenes, and backstory that you must keep in mind


If you’re not satisfied with your script, check that you haven’t made some of the most common mistakes


Once the script is ready, learn how to sell it (and sell yourself)




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Many useful tips to:

  • Learn how to write a logline, how to structure a script, and how to avoid making serious mistakes in the process.
  • Discover the core principles of scriptwriting, and the special genres into which films need to be categorised.
  • Become proficient in character development, as well as in describing key scenes.

Blake Snyder was an American screenwriter, consultant, and author, who passed away unexpectedly in 2009. His talent led him to become a screenwriting guru in Hollywood and, over the course of his career, he sold several scripts to various major American studios, such as Nuclear Family for Steven Spielberg and Blank Check for Walt Disney Pictures. Blake Snyder was also extensively involved in film training, writing manuals, and holding screenwriting seminars around the world.

Publishing house:

Michael Wiese Productions





