Say What You Mean

Oren Jay Sofer

Say What You Mean



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Communication is one of the most powerful instruments available to us; yet more and more often it is relegated to those kinds of activities we carry out when we are distracted, without really being engaged. Fortunately, it is possible to communicate better with the help of the principles of mindfulness and non-violent communication. In his book Say What You Mean: a mindful approach to nonviolent communication, Oren Jay Sofer explains the three essential phases of his method, which are presence, intention and attention, and how they can help us work on ourselves and move towards engaging in dialogue from a place of awareness and empathy, to improve our relationships and the way we perceive the world around us.

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Analysis and key concepts


Communication is a powerful and pivotal tool in our lives


The next step to successful communication is being completely present


To strike up an effective dialogue, it is important to have the right intention, which means to be truly interested


Listening with empathy shows genuine interest and builds trust between people


Consciously choosing where to direct your attention helps you to focus on the conversation


A successful and harmonious conversation is like a dance


The secret to getting the most out of a negative conversation is to be prepared and stay in control




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Many useful tips to:

  • Learn to converse with awareness, efficacy and positivity.
  • Apply the techniques of mindfulness to communication.
  • Build relationships as a result of listening and non-violent communication.

A teacher of meditation and non-violent communication, Oren Jay Sofer is a leading figure in the world of mindfulness and the contemplative arts: a passion he discovered in high school, which he cultivated over the decades until he graduated in comparative religion at the prestigious Columbia University, followed by two and a half years in a Buddhist retreat. Thanks to his bestselling book, Say What You Mean, A Mindful Approach to Nonviolent Communication, he can now add the title of author to his repertoire. He is also the founder of the Next Step Dharma program and the online counselling site Mindful Healthcare.

Publishing house:

Shambhala Pubns





