Seven Practices of a Mindful Leader

Marc Lesser

Seven Practices of a Mindful Leader



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Seven Practices of a Mindful Leader is the fruit of the experience of its author, Marc Lesser, as a Mindfulness teacher. The book illustrates 7 practices that we can adopt to help us live better, and incorporates life lessons from Buddhism. The 7 practices help to direct us on a path to achieve awareness and they involve the daily practice of meditation. Success, just like happiness, depends on the degree to which we are aware of our limits and to which we are able to calm negative emotions, such as fear or worry. By using this method, which has been applied by many companies to strengthen their leadership - we can become mindful, improving our relationship both with other people and with our work. If we truly brought more awareness into our lives, the world would have a much brighter future. 

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Analysis and key concepts


Developing greater awareness is good for you and for everyone around you


How a leader improves through mindfulness


The 7 meditation practices as a direct route to feeling like more of an active participant in your own life


The 7 Practices are based on the ability to analyse the current situation


Bringing all the lessons together and connecting empathically with others




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Many useful tips to:

  • Get a better understanding of mindfulness and how it can help improve the way we live.
  • Help anyone interested in taking a closer look at various meditation techniques.
  • Discover the 7 practices of the mindful leader.

Marc Lesser is a CEO, meditation teacher and a writer. His mindfulness teachings have followers all over the world. He co-created Google’s Search Inside Yourself program with Chade-Meng Tan, and together they also co-founded the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute, a non-profit company whose aim is to unite the art of meditation and leadership, through practice. As well as teaching his method to entrepreneurs, engineers and teachers worldwide, Lesser has written several books on the importance of mindfulness: Z.B.A. Zen of Business Administration (2005), about how the practice of zen can transform a person’s life and work; Know Yourself, Forget Yourself (2013), about how to transform your work, relationships and daily life. The last of his works, entitled Seven Practices of a Mindful Leader (2019) contains practical exercises to help you become a better person.

Publishing house:

New World Library





