Siblings Without Rivalry

Adele Faber, Elaine Mazlish

Siblings Without Rivalry



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In Siblings Without Rivalry: How to Help Your Children Live Together So You Can Live Too, Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish explore the rivalry and conflict that often arise between siblings. The book provides many useful and practical suggestions to deal with these situations, helping us to become better parents, and to communicate effectively with our children, so that they listen to us and become calmer, happier, and more easy-going. After all, when our children get along with each other, it allows us to breathe easy, and live a more relaxed, enjoyable life.

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Analysis and key concepts


Some sibling relationships are complicated, but with the help of parents, this conflict can be turned into something positive


In order to teach children how to resolve rivalries with their siblings, we must encourage them to express their feelings, while discouraging hurtful behaviour


We should avoid making comparisons between our children, regardless of whether they are positive or negative


Overly fair treatment is not always good for children


Casting siblings in strict roles is counterproductive


Siblings should be left to resolve conflict among themselves, but if we have to intervene, we should do so as methodically and impartially as possible




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Many useful tips to:

  • Gain insight into the special relationship between siblings. 
  • Discover tips on how to deal with challenging situations that commonly arise between siblings. 
  • Learn how to become a better parent.

Adele Faber graduated in drama, specialising in education, and taught high school students in New York City for eight years. She was a student of the renowned child psychologist Haim Ginott, and together with Elaine Mazlish, she is considered an authority in the field of parent-child communication. Faber and Mazlish have held lectures in the United States and Canada, and have written several books together, including How to Talk so Kids Will Listen & Listen so Kids Will Talk.

Elaine Mazlish graduated in Theatre Studies and developed educational programmes for children at major New York schools and institutions. She was a student of child psychologist Haim Ginott and was on the faculty of the New School for Social Research in New York. The books she co-authored with Adele Faber on the relationship between parents and children, and between educators and students, have sold millions of copies worldwide and remain cornerstones in the field. Mazlish died in 2017 at the age of 92.

Publishing house:

W.W. Norton & Company





