Six Memos for the Next Millennium

Italo Calvino

Six Memos for the Next Millennium



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In 1985, Italo Calvino was asked to give six lectures at Harvard University. Unfortunately, the great Italian writer never had the opportunity to present them in person due to his untimely death, but many reflections had already been written down: Six Memos for the Next Millennium, which was published after the author’s death, is a book containing Calvino's notes on the conferences he would have given. The theme? The values that literature can offer to the new millennium: exactitude, visibility, lightness, quickness and multiplicity. Through an enormous quantity of citations and literary connections, Calvino's immense intellect guides us through the maze that is the world of literature, which is perhaps the only weapon we have to counteract the heaviness of the world around us and the flat, monotonous language style, now so typical of this modern-day era.

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Analysis and key concepts


The Harvard lectures, and the importance of beginning and ending any literary work well


The value of lightness: subtracting weight from the world with literary language


The value of quickness: leave enough space for the imagination by writing in a fast and agile way


The value of exactitude: literature as a medicine for a "sick" language, which has become too flat and vague


The value of visibility: we do not lose our ability to think in images


The value of multiplicity: literature as an encyclopedia that connects different things, people, and facts




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Many useful tips to:

  • Immerse yourself in ancient and modern literature to understand how it could influence the future of writing.
  • Discover the values of literature, and how they can cure the flat language used today.
  • Understand how the lightness, accuracy, speed, visibility, and multiplicity of literature fit into the new millennium.

Born in Cuba to a Ligurian father and a Sardinian mother, Italo Calvino was one of the most important Italian writers of the twentieth century, well known all over the world, and with multiple works translated into multiple languages. His propensity for following the literary movements of his time, combined with his own strong personality, allowed him to provide constant originality in his work, and led him to be recognised as an intellectual of great artistic and cultural significance. After participating in the Italian partisan resistance during the Second World War, he worked for the Einaudi publishing house for a long time, before moving to Paris, where he lived for some years. His most important works include The Path to the Spiders’ Nests, The Cloven Viscount, The Baron in the Trees, If on a Winter's Night a Traveller, and Invisible Cities

Publishing house:

Vintage Books





