Speak With No Fear

Mike Acker

Speak With No Fear



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After 18 years of experience in communication, Mike Acker, in his book Speak With No Fear  – Go from a nervous, nauseated, and sweaty speaker to an excited, energized, and passionate presenter, presents his strategies to overcome a fear of speaking in public. In his book, he tells of his own personal experience, and that of his clients, to provide a series of useful practical tips to help anyone become a successful, well-trained and mindful public speaker. 

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Analysis and key concepts


You are not alone in being afraid of speaking in public: how to face your fear and overcome it


Fear almost always depends on a traumatic past experience that we need to overcome: Phase 1 – Discover the wound


Imagining the worst possible scenario to control your emotions better : Phase 2 - training


The importance of being authentic and not doing a bad impersonation of someone else: Phase 3 – be yourself


Interact with people in the audience to focus on a few of those present and reduce the anxiety of a large crowd: Phase 4 – get to know the crowd


Shift your attention to the audience so as not to focus on your limitations and give them what they want: Phase 5 – switch your focus


You don’t have to suppress your nerves: use them to help you reach your listener. Phase 6 – turn a negative into a positive


Living in the moment and being present in ourselves is vital: what you are experiencing is the moment that matters. Phase 7 – be present


What to do the next day? Learn from your mistakes to improve


To really change your approach and improve your skills, you need to believe in yourself




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Many useful tips to:

  • Cope with the stress of public speaking.
  • Focus on a few easy to apply techniques to channel the sense of nervousness and inadequacy when speaking in public.
  • Improve self-awareness.
  • Avoid making the same mistakes every time you speak in public.

Mike Acker is a keynote speaker, pastor, communications specialist, author, and top management communication coach with over 20 years of experience. He is known and appreciated for his ironic and genuine approach, as well as for his captivating presence. Acker specialises in fostering people’s self-awareness, and guiding his clients through a process of professional and personal growth. His is a holistic approach aimed at helping people achieve balance in both their personal and professional lives. His experience in the field of communication and the development of leadership has led him to work with politicians, entrepreneurs, executives and educational animators.

Publishing house:

Advantage Publishing Group





