The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership

Jim Dethmer , Diana Chapman , Kaley Warner Klemp

The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership



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Current leadership models enable us to achieve our objectives quickly and effectively, but they almost always turn out to be unfeasible because they often jeopardise people’s happiness and balance, and lead to distrust, cynicism and competition. Based on decades of work with CEO’s and other business leaders, The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadershipproposes an effective and sustainable leadership model which is structured around radically new criteria to improve and enrich those that embrace it at company level and in their personal lives. 

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Analysis and key concepts


Leaders above the line vs leaders below the line: awareness is the first step to making change


The four states of leadership awareness: To Me, By Me, Through Me, As Me


Commitments 1 and 2: assuming radical responsibility and learning through curiosity


Commitment 3: feeling everything deeply and developing emotional intelligence


Commitments 4,5,6,7,8 & 9: expressing oneself honestly, avoiding gossip, practicing integrity and appreciation, and living in your genius zone and in a playful, restful life


Commitments 10, 11 and 12: exploring opposites, being the source of one’s own control and security, and understanding that we have enough


Commitments 13 and 14: looking at the world as though it is on your side and creating situations that benefit everyone


Commitment 15: being the solution and making the world a better place


The formula for change: Dissatisfaction x Vision x First step > Resistance = Change




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Many useful tips to:

  • Go from a defensive victim approach to a creative one.
  • Reach a state of sustainable happiness and satisfaction.
  • Train yourself to learn, to be curious, and to slip into a state of wonder.
  • Embrace all your emotions and develop your emotional intelligence.
  • Discover the formula for meaningful change.

Jim Dethmer has been practising mindful leadership for 45 years. He has worked with Fortune 500 CEOs and their teams, and with over 200 organisations led by professional entrepreneurs and managers. In addition to The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership, he is also co-author of High Performing Investment Teams.

Diana Chapman has consulted for over 700 business leaders and many of their teams. She is also a facilitator for YPO forums and chapters around the world, and has gained respect for her ability to help leaders find the courage to step into the unknown and experience their deepest desires.

Kaley Warner Klemp is a speaker, certified YPO forum facilitator, and transformational executive coach. She uses the 15 commitments and the enneagram model, on which she is an expert, to help teams create a conscious culture and produce superior results. Prior to The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership, she was co-author of The Drama-Free Office and author of 13 Guidelines for Effective Teams.

Publishing house:

Dethmer, Chapman & Klemp





