The Art of War

Sun Tzu

The Art of War



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Written by the legendary Chinese general and philosopher Sun Tzu, The Art of War is considered to be the longest-running military strategy treatise in the world, as well as one of the most popular and widely read to this day. With its simple and direct style, the book provides a wealth of advice on how we should enter into battle: thus, one learns that the most important principle is not only knowing yourself and your army perfectly, but also your enemy, their intentions, and the lie of the land in which the battle will take place, so as to gain the upper hand wherever possible, and see the battle through with steadfast determination, courage, prudence, and wisdom.

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Analysis and key concepts


To be successful, a general must use a few cardinal principles as their guide, which must never be forgotten


The traits of a good general: understanding the enemy and the territory, and treating your army justly


The army is the most important asset: you must be able to govern it in the best way possible


It is essential to know the enemy, their plans, and their movements


The fundamentals of military strategy: knowing when to attack and when to defend


The general must know how to conduct the battle with firmness, competence, and prudence


Knowledge of the territory should never be overlooked, so as to choose the right place for your encampment


Different types of areas require different ideas and tactics




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Many useful tips to:

  • Understand the best strategies and behaviours to use to be victorious in battle.
  • Get to know yourself, your army, your enemies, and the territory.
  • Cultivate the virtues of a good general: courage, valour, strength, wisdom, and prudence.

Known also by the names of Sun Tse or Sun Zi, Sun Tzu is a character whose life still remains a mystery to this day: it has been said that he never actually existed, and that he is simply a mythological character, while others believe that he was a real-life Chinese general and philosopher who lived in the 6th century BC. His fame derives from The Art of War, which is considered to be one of the most important military strategy treatises of all time: it has been read by military and political leaders around the world, and from all historical periods, and is currently included in the Marine Corps professional reading program, as well as being recommended reading for all members of the US military intelligence.

Publishing house:

Basic Books





