The Attention Merchants

Tim Wu

The Attention Merchants



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In the nineteenth century, a new category of companies began to trade on the most precious commodity we have: our attention. The people behind these businesses are known as The Attention Merchants. Over time, attention merchants have changed and evolved, moving from the press, to radio and television, to eventually landing on the web, and finally ending up in our pockets, on the screens of our mobile phones. It is possible, however, for us to take back what is rightfully ours, or at least to fully understand the terms of the exchange taking place before choosing to accept them, by understanding the history and methods used to profit from our distraction. In his book, The Attention Merchants: the Epic Struggle to Get Inside our Heads, Tim Wu helps us do just this.

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Analysis and key concepts


The Attention Merchants started with newspapers and promotional posters


Radio and television helped the attention merchants enter into people’s daily lives


The computer is a device that initiated a check-in addiction


The attention merchants take their place in our private lives with the advent of cell phones and social media


We are experiencing a period of retreat and revolt after the outright theft of our attention




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Many useful tips to:

  • Carefully evaluate where to channel our attention.
  • Learn where today’s media originated and how they use audiences to get rich.
  • Find out who the attention merchants are and how we can defend ourselves against them.

Timothy Shiou-Ming Wu, more commonly known as Tim Wu, is an American author and university professor in the Biden White House with responsibility for Technology and Competition Policy. After finishing law school at Harvard, Wu gained experience at the Department of Justice and the Supreme Court, and early on in his career, his interests led him to specialise in antitrust, copyright and telecommunications law. Today he is a professor of law at Columbia University and was named one of America's 100 Most Influential Lawyers. He has written several books, including The Attention Merchants, and was previously an opinion writer for The New York Times.

Publishing house:

Vintage Books





