The Big Picture

Sean Carroll

The Big Picture



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Science has opened new doors and shed new light on many of our old beliefs to provide us with new knowledge about the world and the universe, which has also led to a change in language. Philosophy and general human beliefs, however, have not yet adapted to these discoveries, and many people still struggle to accept that everything that takes place in our world is only the result of a combination of atoms held together by the laws of physics: how can this vision of the world be reconciled with the human need to seek the meaning of our existence? SeanCarrollretraces some fundamental stages of thought and scientific discoveries to demonstrate that not only is it possible, but we also have a duty to reconcile the certainty of the laws that govern nature with our need to find a meaning and purpose in our actual existence.

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Analysis and key concepts


The nature of reality from Aristotle to modern day: scientific discoveries have changed the way we view our world


A world held up by the cause-effect principle needs a supreme being at the origin of everything


Galileo began to describe the world according to the principles of physics, such as the conservation of momentum


The world is made up of patterns that determine the relationships between all things


Today we know the fundamental rules of physics and they help us understand daily life


The cause-effect principle exists, but it is no longer one of the fundamental rules of physics


Our ability to think has developed during the course of human evolution


Everything that happens in the brain is the result of the activity and connection of neurons


Love does not hold all the particles everything is made of together, the laws of physics do


Believing in naturalism means accepting that there is nothing after death




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Many useful tips to:

  • Understand what physical laws govern the Universe.
  • Think about why the cause-effect principle is no longer one of the important laws and how this approach has changed over time.
  • Reflect on how our world, governed by the laws of physics, can combine with the human need to give greater meaning to existence.

Theoretical physicist Sean Carroll is a research fellow in the physics department of the California Institute of Technology. He is a staunch supporter of scientific thinking and has often publicly claimed to be an atheist. His articles have been published in magazines such as Nature, New Scientist, and Seed, and he has participated in several television programs including Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman. In addition to The Big Picture, he has written several other books, the most popular of which are From Eternity to Here and The Particle at the End of the Universe, about the Higgs boson.

Publishing house:

Oneworld Publications





