The Case Against the Sexual Revolution

Louise Perry

Louise Perry

The Case Against the Sexual Revolution



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In her book, The Case Against Sexual Revolution, Louise Perry questions one of the most important achievements in the history of women’s rights: sexual liberation. Perry uses examples and analysis to highlight the contradictions and question a phenomenon which, in her opinion, is not all it is hyped up to be.

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Analysis and key concepts


It would be wrong to think that the outcomes of the female sexual revolution have all been positive


Modern women are more emancipated than ever, but we must not forget that their sexual freedom brought on other forms of submission


The theory of sexual violence being linked to power dynamics is only part of the problem, and doesn’t take into account the biological differences between men and women


Women can also have casual sex, but the behaviour does not come as naturally to them as it does to men


Liberal feminism endorses porn in the name of sexual liberation but the violent and toxic dynamics which prevail in the industry are often overlooked


The institution of marriage has always been criticised by feminists, but is actually a formula for a life of stability and consistency




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Many useful tips to:

  • See the other side of the heartless disenchantment of liberal feminism and our hypersexualised culture as a loss rather than a gain.
  • Think about the dynamics that govern the relationships between men and women.
  • Understand that the main winners of this new liberated era are actually men.
  • Consider a new sexual culture, built around dignity, virtue and restraint.

Louise Perry is a writer and activist who currently lives in London. She is a columnist for the New Statesman and a features writer for the Daily Mail. Perry also works as a press officer for We Can’t Consent To This, an association which fights to overturn the normalisation of violence against women, documenting cases in which UK women have been killed, and defendants have claimed in court that they died as a result of “rough sex.”

Publishing house:

Polity Pr





