The China Study

T. Colin Campbell, Thomas M. Campbell II

The China Study



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The name China Study covers the results of many studies, the biggest of which was the one carried out in China, by professor Campbell and his team between the end of the 1960’s and 2000 on food and nutrition and its effects on our bodies. The revolutionary results reveal the harmful effects of the consumption of animal protein on human health and highlight the close link between its consumption and the onset and progression of cancer, an illness that was the second cause of death in America in the year 2000. This revealing book eloquently describes the complex interaction between diet, nutrients, lifestyle and health, helping to break down the time-old preconception that eating more protein leads to better health.

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Analysis and key concepts


The importance given in the western diet to meat protein is unsubstantiated, and predominantly based on cultural prejudice and scientific conjecture


The China Study was the result of over 20 years of research, and is the culmination of several scientific partnerships spearheaded by Professor Campbell


The first amazing results of the China study showed a direct correlation between a reduction in protein intake and the onset of tumours


There is a great deal of misinformation surrounding the nutritive properties of fibre, carbohydrates and protein, which is diffused by the media, and often lacking any scientific basis


The close link between nutrition and heart disease has long been known, yet it is still hard to question the status quo


The enormous problem of obesity in the United States is erroneously considered a separate issue from other illnesses


There is a strong correlation between eating animal-based foods and breast cancer and diabetes


Other cancers, auto-immune diseases, and other various diseases are also related to an animal-based diet


Dr Campbell’s message, the focus of his entire career, can be summed up in eight principles


The status quo is difficult to change, and depends on many interconnected cultural factors and vested interests that all intertwine with nutrition


The China Study provides a broad, scientifically proven answer of what would be the best diet for human health, but this diet is still barely accepted in contemporary Western society


Scientific reductionism is a widespread evil, and its influence on correct dietary information is highly nefarious




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Many useful tips to:

  • Understand the connection between nutrition and long term health.
  • Clear up some of the myths surrounding the thousands of diets today, presented as miraculous for human health.
  • Learn about the potential of nutrition to help prevent and cure cancer, and many other chronic diseases.
  • Help you consciously choose to eat in a way that supports your health, and enables you to live a healthy life, free from preventable suffering.

A leading expert in the field of biochemistry, Dr T. Colin Campbell grew up as the son of a farmer in the countryside of Northern Virginia, and began studying pre-veterinary medicine and animal nutrition at Pennsylvania State University. During his studies, Dr Campbell discovered evidence for the link between the consumption of animal protein and the development of cancer and heart disease, and he devoted the rest of his career to studying the effects of nutrition on human health, with particular focus on the American diet, which contains large quantities of animal-based foods. He has devoted his career to academic and scientific research into nutrition and health, and is currently enjoying a peaceful and healthy old age, free from chronic ailments.

Medical doctor, researcher and author, Thomas M. Campbell is a Cornell University graduate. He is currently the director of the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies, a non-profit organisation that promotes better nutrition through science-based education, advocacy and research. When his father decided to write this book, he helped him organise and transform his life’s work into a comprehensive narrative that was easily accessible to readers. Thomas M. Campbell grew up on a diet based on the food choices studied by his father.

Publishing house:

Benbella Books





