The Conscious Parent

Shefali Tsabary

The Conscious Parent



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In The Conscious Parent, Shefali Tsabary takes the reader on a journey into parenting, helping them to become more mindful while raising our children. From early childhood, through the teenage years, and into adulthood, there must always be an exchange between parent and child. This exchange, however, goes both ways, as both the child and the parent support the other while they develop and grow. Not only does the child benefit from the parent’s teachings, but the parent also learns and evolves as a result of their interactions with the child. For this exchange to take place, parents must work on their own consciousness, by calling themselves into question, reflecting on their past, and most of all, by truly wanting to evolve, not only as a parent, but also as a human being.

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Analysis and key concepts


There is a huge difference between conscious and unconscious parenting


The risks of raising children as unconscious parents


It is essential to know who we are, and to recognise our own limits, in order to interact with children


What is conscious parenting?


Choosing a life of essence over ego allows us to be more conscious parents




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Many useful tips to:

  • Reflect on what it really means to be a parent and on the need to evolve as a person in order to raise a child. 
  • Make peace with the fact that we are not perfect, while still constantly trying to be better. 
  • Realise that there is no such thing as a perfect parent and instead embrace being ‘perfectly flawed’. 
  • Understand how to guide a child throughout their development and respect their unique qualities and traits.

Dr Shefali Tsabary is an expert in family dynamics and the personal development of women, as well as a New York Times bestselling author. She has a PhD in clinical psychology from Columbia University and is a specialist in the integration of Western psychology with Eastern philosophy. She has written four books, including The Conscious Parent and The Awakened Family. Dr Shefali is an educator of international renown, and holds workshops and courses both online and in person, all over the world.

Publishing house:

Namaste Publishing





