The Culture Code

Daniel Coyle

The Culture Code



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An organisation doesn’t become successful by chance, but rather because it has a strong group culture within it. Irrespective of what sector you are involved in, there are three key points that underpin solid group culture: safety, vulnerability, and a common goal. In The Culture Code, Daniel Coyle explains how these three factors work, and how they develop within a group, analysing some of the most famous and successful organisations in the world, including Pixar and the Navy SEALs. In this book you will also find several practical tips that you can use to ensure that your group works together as a successful team.

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Analysis and key concepts


The quality of the individual parts of a group are not what ensures its success: what matters is how the different parts work together


Group culture is founded on a sense of safety


One of the factors that increase a person's sense of safety is the knowledge that they are part of something bigger, and that the group is counting on them


The ability to recognise a pattern, react quickly, and send the right signal, at the right time, is the basis for creating this sense of belonging and safety


In successful groups, people transform a simple connection into trust-based cooperation


Making a habit of sharing your weaknesses is like training a muscle: it takes time, repetition, effort, and even a little bit of pain


Through storytelling, a successful group reminds its members where they come from, and what their shared goals are


Successful organisations consolidate their identity by choosing to turn a crisis into an opportunity




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Many useful tips to:

  • Learn the three universal rules behind creating a successful group.
  • Understand how a successful group works.
  • Create an organisation that is not only more efficient, but also happier.
  • Know what mistakes to avoid if you want to transform a group of individuals into a real team.

Daniel Coyle is a New York Times bestselling author. His books include The Talent Code, The Little Book of Talent, The Secret Race (co-written with Tyler Hamilton), and Hardball: A Season in Projects. In addition to being an author, Coyle works as a consultant for the Cleveland Indians, and as an editor for Outside Magazine. In 2012, he and Tyler Hamilton won the William Hill Sports Book of the Year award. Coyle spends most of the year in Cleveland, Ohio, where he lives with his family.

Publishing house:

Random House UK





