The Data Detective

Tim Harford

The Data Detective



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Do statistics lie or tell the truth? Like words, they can be used to do both. Sometimes they clash with our personal experiences, other times they confirm them, but we could all benefit from learning to interpret them properly to avoid being taken advantage of. What really matters, according to Tim Harford, is following the ten simple rules he outlines in his book, The Data Detective, to help us learn a new and useful way to interpret data.

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Analysis and key concepts


Numbers, just like words, can be used to tell lies or to tell the truth


Identifying any feelings and isolating them to help objectively and rationally assess the available data


Assessing personal experience to understand when to trust it, when not to, and how to incorporate it into our evaluation of data


Avoid premature enumeration: before passing judgement, make sure you understand the values you are dealing with, to avoid making incorrect assumptions


Taking a step back to better enjoy the view: perspective influences our perception of reality, so we need to understand the context of the data


Behind the scenes: data collected but not published can provide a great deal of information


Ask yourself if there is anyone missing: research must be based on a reliable sample that reflects the whole population


Demanding transparency at all times: an algorithm is not always better than humans when it comes to representing data. Both big data and small data are required to paint the full picture


Don’t take your data sources for granted: the credibility of this science is built on the courage of those who apply it


Remember that misinformation can make things look more attractive: it’s easier to produce than gathering real facts, so the trap is very inviting


Keeping an open mind helps to predict and overcome crises




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Many useful tips to:

  • Rethink the way you perceive statistics.
  • Discover the ten principles to apply when analysing data.
  • Learn to combine personal experience with objective evaluation.

Tim Harford is an economist. He has worked for Shell and the World Bank; for many years he wrote articles for “The Undercover Economist”, a column in the Financial Times. He has also written articles for Esquire, Forbes, Wired, New York Magazine, The Guardian and other newspapers. Harford has spoken at several TED events, at PopTech, and at the Sydney Opera House, as well as appearing on many television and radio shows. Harford was a member of the Royal Economic Society from 2011 until 2017, and he is an honorary member of the Royal Statistical Society. His first book, The Undercover Economist, sold over 1.5 million copies worldwide, and was translated into 30 languages.

Publishing house:

Riverhead Books





