The Experience Economy

B. Joseph Pine II, James H. Gilmore

The Experience Economy



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The Experience Economy was first published in 1999 and since then has been revised several times to incorporate new, contemporary material. Considered a classic in its genre, the book explains the importance of building an experience around goods and services, since it is precisely a company’s capacity to build memorable experiences, which will define its success. In a continually expanding market, experiences reinforce relationships, maintaining potential customer participation and attention levels high. According to the authors, Pine and Gilmore, everything revolves these days around the experience, so this should constitute the main part of every company’s focus, thereby contributing, in the foreseeable future, to the development and affirmation of the so-called “transformation economy”, which is just around the corner.

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Analysis and key concepts


What do we mean by experience economy?


How the service economy has evolved into the experience economy


The main way to involve customers. The four realms of an experience: entertainment, educational, escapist and aesthetic


Successful memorable experiences that have proven to be unforgettable


The importance of giving the experience a theme that involves all five senses


The –ing principle (the ability to turn things into an experience)


The theatre metaphor applied to business: setting the perfect scene to put on a show


How a company attracts the attention of potential customers with theatre


The customer is the product: the economy of the future will be one of transformation




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Many useful tips to:

  • Understand the true meaning of the experience economy.
  • Comprehend how the concept of an experience can be introduced into a business strategy.
  • Reflect on the future of the economy, starting with a thorough analysis of the past and the present.

Joseph Pine is an independent American economist. A world renowned author, he has written several successful books. The Experience Economy, which he co-wrote with J. Gilmore, is a bestseller that has been translated into over 15 languages. Pine has spoken at many events, including the World Economic Forum and TED Conferences, and he often joins forces with Columbia University’s School of Professional Studies. His partnership with J. Gilmore led him to establish the consulting company, Strategic Horizon, and a training school, the European Centre for the Experience Economy.

James Gilmore is an American actor, renowned speaker and strategic consultant for companies all over the world. Working closely with J. Pine, he founded the consulting company Strategic Horizon, and European Centre for the Experience Economy training centre. He carries out research in the field of experience economy, meaning the ability to build value around economic offers. In his book Authenticity, which he co-wrote with J. Pine, he reflects on what consumers really want. Experiences trump products and services, thus Gilmore’s objective is to broaden people’s horizons, helping companies to adopt a different approach.

Publishing house:

Harvard Business Review Press





