The Explosive Child

Ross W. Greene

The Explosive Child



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According to Ross W. Greene, author of The Explosive Child: A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting Easily Frustrated, Chronically Inflexible Children, we need to change the way we view children with behavioural problems. We have to let go of old-fashioned punishment tactics, and start trying to identify what causes their anger in the first place. We need to change our approach, so that we can communicate more effectively with them. Finally, we have to understand that they lack certain emotional tools, and that this is what causes them to lash out. Only then will we be able to come up with a plan to help these children and to restore a sense of balance to the whole family.

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Analysis and key concepts


Children who have frequent temper tantrums lack the emotional tools to deal with their frustration


We often make the mistake of coming down harder on a child with behavioural problems, because their reactions are more extreme


Children with behavioural issues typically have trouble managing their emotions, putting their feelings into words, and finding solutions to their problems


Prejudices about children with behavioural problems make it harder to solve the underlying issue


We need to help our child by working on solutions with them


We need to remember that the siblings of a child with behavioural issues will also be affected


Schools also need to adopt more effective strategies when addressing cases of concerning behaviour




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Many useful tips to:

  • Learn about the psychology of children with behavioural issues. 
  • Look beyond old-fashioned methods and start using more effective tools to help children deal with their frustrations.
  • Build effective and calm communication with children who are experiencing difficulties in their everyday lives.

Ross W. Greene is a clinical psychologist and adjunct professor at Virginia Tech University and the University of Technology, Sydney. He has worked with children with behavioural problems throughout his career, and developed a treatment programme specifically for young people called Collaborative & Proactive Solutions. He is the author of numerous books, and has appeared on several television shows, including The Oprah Show, Good Morning America, and The Morning Show. He lives in Portland, Maine, and speaks frequently at conferences in the US and around the world.

Publishing house:

Harper Paperbacks





