The Five Dysfunctions of a Team

Patrick Lencioni

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team



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Teamwork is an important part of any organisation, especially at the managerial level. It is what makes it possible to achieve goals and make profits. However, according to Lencioni, interactions between team members are often complicated, and can suffer from five dysfunctions that can prove fatal for the entire company. Overcoming them is not easy, because after having identified and exposed them, radical changes may be necessary: ​​the role of the leader is to manage this painful but necessary process through to the point of achieving a stable and healthy status-quo, both for the benefit of individual team members, and of the organisation as a whole.

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Analysis and key concepts


Teamwork gives a company a competitive advantage, but five dysfunctions can disrupt team effort


When a company has a better team, but performs worse than its competitors, there is a dysfunctional problem in its management.


Absence of trust: a team only works if each member is not afraid to show their weaknesses to others


Fear of conflict is a consequence of a lack of trust


A fragmented team unable to constructively discuss issues will not be committed


In a successful team, no one shuns responsibility, and everyone within the team is expected to do the same


When ego takes over, each team member works towards their own goals, and no collective results are achieved


For a team to work well, the five dysfunctions must be overcome: the members of a healthy team are focused on the common good


The role of the leader is to lead the team and its members towards transformation




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Many useful tips to:

  • Learn about the five dysfunctions that are often found within a team at work.
  • Understand why the five dysfunctions harm not only the individual, but the entire organisation.
  • Learn how to eliminate dysfunctions, and build a team better at achieving common goals.

Patrick Lencioni is a consultant and speaker, and the author of millions of copies of bestsellers. He is the founder and president of The Table Group, which helps businesses improve their engagement, organisation, and teamwork. Thanks to his experience working with the CEOs of large companies, he has developed leadership models that are successful, not only in the business world, but also when applied to sports teams, universities, the military, and the clergy. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team : A Leadership Fable was inspired by his first book, The Five Temptations of a CEO , in which there are already some models applied to teamwork in corporate environments. 

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