The Fourth Age

Byron Reese

The Fourth Age



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In The Fourth Age we are offered an overview of the first three eras of humanity and the technologies that started them. Now we are approaching  a fourth era, marked by artificial intelligence and robotics. Byron Reese takes us on a journey of what our future will be, both as a species and on a technological level. Technology that will soon surround us, forcing us to look at the fears that have haunted our society since the industrial age: will machines take our away work from us? Are machines conscious? Are we machines? What ethics should we follow with regards to AI and robots? This book is a guide to finding a way of thinking that can help us tackle  these questions. 

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Analysis and key concepts


What has changed in 5000 years and what does the future hold for us?


The journey to the present: the explosion of technology and the questions that it raises


The two types of artificial intelligence, robots and our fears


Artificial Intelligence gives us the chance to understand who we are


If computers were to become sentient, how would we distinguish ourselves from them?


Using artificial intelligence for a better world




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Many useful tips to:

  • Find a guide to the contentious topic of AI, robots and our future.
  • Analyse and find answers to questions about nature and reality, about humanity and the mind.
  • Develop a complete understanding and form an opinion about AI, robots and of work by breaking down and analysing expert opinions.

Byron Reese is a futurist, an entrepreneur and tech  expert.  He is CEO and editor of the technological research company Gigaom, which helps entrepreneurs understand the implications of new technologies and its impact on society, the media and companies.  He has spent most of his life exploring and studying how humans have interacted with technology throughout history and he has created websites that manage the interactions between technology, science, history and business.

Publishing house:

Atria Books





