The Innovator's Method

Jeff Dyer, Nathan Furr

The Innovator's Method



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In The Innovator's Method, Nathan Furr and Jeff Dyer provide a comprehensive explanation of how to promote and develop an innovative idea within a company. Giving real-life examples, the authors introduce the reader to a new mindset, one that is more open and practical, quite different from the traditional business models that many of us may have been used to in the past.

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Analysis and key concepts


For risky and original ideas to be well received, it is important to be prepared and have a method


For it to flourish, a promising idea should be based on practical experience and field studies, and undergo detailed testing


Projects that come from original ideas need courageous leaders who are not put off by challenges and are not afraid to experiment


If a company aims to generate innovative ideas it should recognise the importance of time


Even professional training should be geared towards innovation, freeing itself from the processes of the past


Innovation must not be an end in itself, but must arise from the desire to solve a real problem


The problem that your idea solves can be of a functional, practical social or emotional nature


Once you have identified a useful product to solve a given problem, you need to think about the price, type of promotion and the resources you have available


To increase your chances of success, you must understand when to take a step back and re-evaluate your idea




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Many useful tips to:

  • Promote innovative ideas in the working environment.
  • Learn a new approach to help nurture a business project.
  • Understand the importance of testing the viability of your ideas.

Professor, speaker and author Jeff Dyer is one of the top academics on leading strategy, which is the ability to influence others and guide them to make useful decisions for their business. He gives talks around the world, and wrote the best-selling business book The Innovator's DNA. Dyer is also the only strategy scholar to have had his work published five times in the prestigious Harvard Business Review.

An expert in digital strategy and innovation, Nathan Furr teaches at INSEAD, one of the best business schools in the world. From his offices in France and Singapore, he studies the capacity for companies, both new and well established, to adapt to technological changes. Furr has also written numerous articles on the subject, which have appeared in leading industry journals such as Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science and Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.

Publishing house:

Harvard Business Review Press





