The Launch Pad

Randall Stross

The Launch Pad



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There is a place in California called Silicon Valley, and a company called Y Combinator, founded by Paul Graham in 2005, which finds, funds, and supports small but promising startups as they enter the Olympus of big software companies (among them, to mention a couple, Dropbox and Airbnb). In his book, Randall Stross tells us about the process, and describes his first-hand experience of the three-month course held in the Valley twice a year. Thousands of founders apply to take part in the Y Combinator programme, but only a few dozen are accepted, after going through a strict selection process. The author of Launch Pad reveals the secrets of the phase that startups usually keep strictly hidden, until the moment of their product launch, and explains what is so special about Y Combinator.

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Analysis and key concepts


Paul Graham is the founder of Y Combinator, and has very specific ideas about which characteristics a startup should have


YC finds the best business ideas, supports and funds the creators, and gives them the chance to found successful companies


Venture capitalists and angel investors: knowing who they are, and how they work, can help us better understand the world of startup financing


The vast majority of startup founders are male. Many people have questioned why there is such an overwhelming gender gap, and YC has some suggestions


The characteristics of startups and their founders have changed over the years, and the ability to grow exponentially is a key factor


Mistakes to avoid, and Paul Graham's best advice to succeed in founding a startup


Planning, and focusing on potential customers are the basis to creating a successful startup, but Paul Graham says we also need one more element


Having the right idea is crucial, but sometimes it is hard to know at the outset which direction we should take


Risk is not necessarily linked to a startup’s chance of success


A critical step for any startup is raising funds from venture capitalists


Relationships, conversation and, environment are an essential part of YC’s strategy to support and launch the companies it selects


High-tech companies are a phenomenon of gigantic proportions, and are constantly expanding




Take-home message

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Many useful tips to:

  • Understand the funding process used by startups, which are innovative high-tech companies.
  • Gain a deeper knowledge of incubators and accelerators.
  • Get inspired by the advice of a highly successful entrepreneur and expert at launching startups.

Born in 1954, Randall Stross graduated from university in Minnesota, and now works in California, where he is a professor of economics at San Jose State University. Stross is a passionate sinologist, and studied Chinese history and economics before moving to Silicon Valley. He spent his senior year of university studying Mandarin, and lived in Nanjing for several years. He wrote the New York Times Digital Domain column, and now mainly writes about current affairs, technology, business, and modern society.

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