The Laws of Human Nature

Robert Greene

The Laws of Human Nature



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In the 18 chapters of The Laws of Human Nature, Robert Greene analyses 18 characteristics typical to human nature. He begins by presenting a famous figure that encapsulates the specific attitude or behaviour under examination as an example, before then moving on to provide practical instructions as to how to improve and gain deep insights into every aspect of human nature. When you have an in-depth understanding of the topic, you will be able to avoid toxic people, correct any negative attitudes you may have, and grow as much as possible as an individual, as part of an on-going journey towards becoming the best version of yourself.

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Analysis and key concepts


Seven good reasons to learn the laws of human nature


You need to be rational to prevent yourself from succumbing to your emotions and subsequently regretting things done in the heat of the moment


Three steps to becoming more rational: recognise the biases and the inflaming factors, and develop strategies to bring out your rational side


The truth is that we are all narcissists, but to avoid becoming a deep narcissist, you must never forget to be empathetic


Everyone is wearing a mask: understanding human nature will help you to see through them


Know your character to avoid making the same mistakes, and know that of those around you to avoid unnecessary problems


Become an object of desire by exploiting the grass-is-always-greener syndrome


It is crucial that you elevate your perspective and broaden your horizons to navigate the present, without denying your past


Convince others to do what you want without them even realising, by using their own weapons against them


Never stop learning and trying new things to create a positive and expansive attitude


Accepting your dark side is easier than constantly donning a mask


Never underestimate the power of envy – be it your own or that of others


Become stronger by acknowledging your limits and so counteracting the natural sense of superiority


Gender roles hold massive amounts of repressed energy: accept your male or female side to strengthen your personality


Trust in your talents and your calling in life to help you find your place in the world and achieve your purpose


You need to be a consummate actor to survive in a group, cooperating with others without losing your own personality


Human emotions are never simple, especially when it comes to figures of authority – a position everyone strives for, but achieved only by a few


Correctly channel aggressivity and anger instead of repressing them to exploit their positive potential


The sense of belonging that you feel with your generation should not restrict you from interacting with the past and (especially) the future


Historical patterns: generational succession is cyclical and recurring – by recognising these patterns, you will be able to better understand not only the present, but also what’s to come


“Remember brother, that you must die”: denying human mortality is more costly than it seems




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Many useful tips to:

  • Get to know yourself better and recognise personal traits that can be traced back to generic aspects of human nature.
  • Learn to recognise toxic attitudes and behaviours in others and to avoid them.
  • Access a handy guide on deciphering your own behaviours, as well as that of others.
  • Learn from important historical figures as to which behaviours are better than others.

Robert Greene, also referred to as the "modern Machiavelli", is an American writer known throughout the world for his books on strategy, power and seduction. He has written six international best sellers. His success began with his first book The 48 Laws of Power in 1998, which has since sold more than 1.2 million copies. Shortly before launching The Laws of Human Nature he suffered a heart attack that resulted in the loss of the use of his left hand and leg.

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