The Little Bitcoin Book

The Bitcoin Collective

The Little Bitcoin Book



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We have all heard of Bitcoin, but how many of us really know what it is? It can often seem that developers or FinTech experts are the only ones able to understand this highly complex topic. In order to try and solve this problem, a group of activists and Bitcoin enthusiasts, The Bitcoin Collective, came together to write a clear and informative summary of the basics of Bitcoin, which is accessible to everyone. The Little Bitcoin Book: Why Bitcoin Matters for Your Freedom, Finances, and Future is a small but educational handbook about the world’s most famous and revolutionary cryptocurrency.

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Analysis and key concepts


The current financial system is broken, and we will soon have to start paying the consequences


Bitcoin was created to counteract the dominance of banks and governments over the financial freedom of citizens


One of the most difficult aspects for the general public to understand is the volatility of the Bitcoin currency


Bitcoin could also help solve human rights issues


The future could go one of two ways depending on whether or not we choose to adopt Bitcoin




Take-home message

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Many useful tips to:

  • Discover how Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies work.
  • Understand the social values and inherent fairness behind Bitcoin.
  • Embrace the idea of a future that is free from the influence of governments and central banks.
  • Discover how cryptocurrencies and financial privacy are key to ensuring a globally free and democratic future.
  • Learn how changing the international financial system could avoid long, drawn-out wars.

The Bitcoin Collective is a group of Bitcoin enthusiasts from different countries around the world, who represent the diverse interests of each area of the globe in the evolution of cryptocurrencies. The group includes developers, activists, managers, entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, and educators, who all firmly believe that a financial revolution could play a key role in the fight for human rights, peace, and individual freedom across the planet. The Collective met up at the Oslo Freedom Forum in 2019, and later wrote The Little Bitcoin Book: Why Bitcoin Matters for Your Freedom, Finances, and Future.

Publishing house:

Whispering Candle





