The Madness of Crowds

Douglas Murray

Douglas Murray

The Madness of Crowds



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It often seems that people are starting to behave more and more irrationally these days, both online and offline, and this is because the core values of western society have changed. The collapse of the traditional political and religious narratives has led to a void, replaced instead by identity ideologies that have atomised and divided our society. Douglas Murray explains the main causes of this shift in his book, The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity. He also looks to the future, and to the hypothetical risks of failing to reverse this trend, such as a return of totalitarianism and the loss of all our hard-won human rights, and provides several effective solutions.

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Analysis and key concepts


The collapse of the long-standing narratives underpinning Western society has led to the creation of new ideologies within the space of just a century


We now interpret the world through a lens of social justice, identity politics, and intersectionality


Modern western culture is teeming with tripwires that are primed to explode


Anyone who does not publicly agree with the new value system is considered an oppressor


The foundations of the world’s new moral order are fragile, changing, and unstable


These issues have created confusion that detracts from useful, constructive conversations


Asking questions and depoliticising choices helps us to better understand these issues




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Many useful tips to:

  • Explore a non-liberal perspective on gender, race, and identity.
  • Reflect on the unsustainability of modern human rights movements.
  • Recognise the importance of having constructive conversations, even when they are uncomfortable or unpopular.

Douglas Murray is a journalist, political commentator, and author. Since 2012, he has been associate editor of the British political and cultural magazine The Spectator. Murray also writes regularly for other newspapers, including The Wall Street Journal, The Times, The Sunday Times, The Sun, The Mail on Sunday and National Review. He is a regular guest on various programmes on the BBC and other news channels. His books include The Strange Death of Europe, The Madness of Crowds and Islamophilia: A Very Metropolitan Malady.

Publishing house:

Bloomsbury Publishing





