The Moment of Lift

Melinda Gates

Melinda Gates

The Moment of Lift



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In The Moment Of Lift – How Empowering Women Changes The World, Melinda Gates tells us about all the people she has met, who have taught her so much, while travelling the globe at the head of the world’s largest philanthropic foundation. Through an analysis of data collected from around the world, and her emotional account of the empathy she felt when learning about the history of so many people’s lives, Melinda describes this extremely broad and complex issue, and the work needed to make women around the world more aware of their own situation…as well as their potential evolution!

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Analysis and key concepts


Humanity as a whole benefits from empowered women


The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation focuses on fighting inequality


Everyone benefits when (and if) women win the rights they fight for


In order to fight poverty, it is crucial to break down the barriers that prevent poor people from accessing the services available to the wealthy


Contraceptives save the lives of mothers and babies, and reduce the need for abortions: this is why it is so important to overcome the prejudices attached to them


Female education has positive effects on entire societies for many generations


Women must not ‘simply’ replace men at the top of the social and career ladder, but become allies of men in ending this male dominated hierarchy


A political debate cannot be defined as normal when the issues that it tackles for equal opportunities are labelled as blasphemous


When we care about equality, we embrace plurality




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Many useful tips to:

  • Discover what it means to be a woman in various parts of the world, especially in poorer areas.
  • Learn about the charity work carried out by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
  • Reflect on fundamentally important issues, such as the changes needed to make women more aware of their own potential.

Melinda Gates began her career as a developer at Microsoft in 1987. She left her job a few years later when she married Bill Gates in 1996, and together they founded the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, in 2000. She serves on the boards of Duke University,, and The Washington Post, and is co-chair of the Washington State Commission on Early Childhood Education. In 2008, her husband transferred the shares in Microsoft to her name (except for the main rights to the company), and 13 years later, they released a joint statement on Twitter announcing their decision to divorce.

Publishing house:

Flatiron Books





