The Mythical Man-Month

Frederick Phillips Brooks

The Mythical Man-Month



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Frederick Brooks worked for IBM during the mid 20th century, and played an important role in bringing about the radical changes that have had a significant impact on today’s society. He was also the project manager for one of the most revolutionary operating systems of all time, System/360. The Mythical Man-Month is a collection of essays detailing the observations Brooks made during his long career as a software programmer, computer project manager, and university professor, in which he describes the challenges humankind had to overcome, in order to achieve such advanced technological developments. Some 50 years after the book was first published, the author’s perspective and thoughts are largely still remarkably relevant, and provide a record of computer development since the 1960s.

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Analysis and key concepts


Frederick Phillips Brooks and his role in the evolution of software programming


The role of the software programmer


The monthly workload of an employee in an IT company should not be considered a functional value for project planning


Conceptual integrity helps avoid many of the problems that often arise during a project


The future of computer programming relies on design thinking


No Silver Bullet reflects on the fallibility of human thinking and how this can lead to programming errors


From No Silver Bullet and beyond: analysing the nature of computer programming means thinking about the future of humanity




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Many useful tips to:

  • Explore the world of computer programming and project management at all levels. 
  • Gain insight into software and systems programming. 
  • Broaden your horizons as a designer. 
  • Discover the business processes that have led to the design of historically ground-breaking computer projects.

Frederick Phillips Brooks was an American computer engineer, and was known as the ‘father of the IBM System/360’, a company he began working for in 1956. Then in 1964, he founded the Department of Computer Science at Chapel Hill University, which he managed for twenty years. He was also a member of the National Science Board, received the coveted National Medal of Technology in 1985, and wrote his renowned book, The Mythical Man-Month, which is still considered a cornerstone of project management in computer science. He specialised in computer architecture, molecular graphics, and virtual reality.

Publishing house:

Addison-Wesley Professional





