The Omnivore's Dilemma

Michael Pollan

The Omnivore's Dilemma



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Most of the food we eat nowadays is produced and processed by big companies in industrial environments, where animals are mistreated, production causes environmental damage and we, the consumer, end up eating food that is harmful to our bodies. Even if organic farming practices will, to some degree, help solve the problem, this method cannot fix everything. In his book The Omnivore’s Dilemma, Michael Pollan shows us that our best option is to buy locally from small producers to guarantee a better standard of care for the animals, to reduce the impact of production on the environment and to avoid eating food that contains antibiotics, pesticides and mysterious ‘ingredients’ that can harm both our health and our conscience.

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Analysis and key concepts


In the early days, due to lack of knowledge, human beings were faced with the dilemma of what to eat. Today the food system has become so complex that this dilemma is back


Today’s food system relies heavily on corn


The modern food industry is one of the biggest contributors to environmental pollution, as well as the diffusion of disease


In Europe, buying organic is not always the healthiest, most environmentally friendly way to eat


The best thing we can do for ourselves, and our planet is to buy from small, local producers who use sustainable farming practices and regenerative agriculture


We have a moral duty to offer animals a better life


We are all responsible for change




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Many useful tips to:

  • Take better care of our bodies with the food we eat.
  • Become more mindful of where our food comes from.
  • Learn to eat in a way that reduces our impact on the environment.

Michael Pollan teaches journalism at the University of Berkeley, and he writes for several publications including The New York Times Magazine and The New Yorker. He is one of the most respected, less orthodox people in the world regarding his stance on the global debate of nutrition. His other books include Second Nature, The Botany of Desire, The Omnivore’s Dilemma, Cooked, and How to Change Your Mind.

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‎ 978-0143038580