The Outsiders

William N. Thorndike, Jr.

The Outsiders



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The Outsiders reveals the secrets to the success of great CEOs like Warren Buffett and Katharine Graham. The author, William N Thorndike, Jr, provides details of some of the brave and controversial choices that these 8 leaders have had to make to produce extraordinary results. While each of them is from a different sector, their work is inspiring, and we can learn a lot from their experiences. These people have, at times, had to make unpopular choices, yet they always found the courage to break new ground. The success of some of these choices could only be measured long after they had been made, once the dust had had the time to settle. However, Thorndike firmly believes that a combination of intuition and a rational approach is the perfect recipe for success. 

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Analysis and key concepts


Being unconventional has been the key to the success of many CEOs


The success of any CEO depends on their ability to keep a rational head


Katharine Graham and the requalification of “The Washington Post Company”


Warren Buffet, Berkshire Hathaway, and his investment model


Anything is possible if you think outside the box




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Many useful tips to:

  • Discover the stories of the CEOs who set themselves apart and made their companies successful.
  • Take a closer look at the subject of managerial leadership.
  • Help understand the strategic and essential responsibilities of a company CEO, and identify certain indispensable characteristics of a person in this role.
  • Be inspired by a few success stories.

William N. Thorndike, Jr. is the founder and managing director of Housatonic Partners , a private equity firm with offices in Boston and San Francisco. He is a graduate with degrees from both Harvard and Stanford, and works as a financial and investment analyst. Thorndike is the director of eight companies and two non-profit organisations. Ever since its release, his book, The Outsiders , has continued as a key influence in guiding CEO’s from many top companies, big hedge funds and private equity investors.

Publishing house:

Harvard Business Review Press





