The Power of Habit

Charles Duhigg

The Power of Habit



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When we are required to make revolutionary decisions, whether it be within a company, on a personal level, or socially, there is a good chance that behind it lies the implementation or the modification of a habit loop. Not only that: a large part of today’s marketing makes use of the power of habit to better understand the needs of their customers and to sell more. Habits are one of the basic mechanisms in the human brain, and learning to recognise them and change them means taking hold of an immense power. In his book The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do In Life and In Business, Charles Duhigg takes us on a journey of discovery into the significance of need and of the habit loop,  providing examples to illustrate some practical methods we can use to bring about change. 

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Analysis and key concepts


Habits are important because they are behind most of the choices we make


Habits are a three phase cycle


To improve our habits we can focus on gratification and routine


The Alcoa case shows that habits are also crucial for companies


Habit loops can change society and are in fact at the heart of the formation of the civil rights movement


We can change our habits by studying and changing the habit loop




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Many useful tips to:

  • Understand the reasons why our brain forms habits.
  • Discover how changing a habit can influence the fate of a company or of a whole society.
  • Learn to use the power of habit to improve our lives.

Charles Duhigg is an American journalist, speaker and essayist. After his studies at Yale and Harvard Universities, he worked for several years as a reporter for The New York Times, and won the prestigious Pulitzer Prize for explanatory reporting for a series of 10 articles on the business practices of Apple and other tech companies. Today he writes for The New Yorker. Duhigg has written two books for which he is highly recognised: The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business, and Smarter Faster Better: The Secrets of Being Productive in Life and Business.

Publishing house:

Random House





