The Practice

Seth Godin

The Practice



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What is stopping us from being creative? We live in a world that promises us happiness in exchange for standardisation. This happiness, however, is still nowhere in sight, and it often seems that our lives are getting more bleak as time goes on. So, what can we do about this? How can we make our lives more fulfilling? In The Practice: Shipping Creative Work, Seth Godin urges us to take our first steps on our path to creativity, to unleash our full potential, and to establish the practice method that best suits us. Creativity is not an innate talent, but a brave choice that we need to make every day. After all, practice is what enables us to use our creative efforts, in order to bring about the positive change we want to see not only in ourselves, but also in society.

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Analysis and key concepts


Creativity is not a gift or a talent that we are born with; it is a courageous choice


There is no magic in the creative process, only practice


Creativity and innovation are actions, not sensations


Self-confidence is the basis of creative practice


Perfectionism blocks creativity


Creative practice is generous


Incompetence is part of the game, as is the ability to create relationships




Take-home message

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Many useful tips to:

  • Start a creative business.
  • Realise that creativity is a brave choice, rather than an innate talent.
  • Choose to break the mould.

Seth Godin is an American author and entrepreneur, specialising in marketing, leadership, and change. He graduated with a degree in computer science and philosophy from Tufts University, and later completed a master’s degree in business administration at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. From 1983 to 1986, he worked as a brand manager at Spinnaker Software; as an entrepreneur, he founded Seth Godin Productions and Yoyodyne in New York, through which he developed permission, direct, and viral marketing. He is one of the most renowned business bloggers in the world. All of his books are bestsellers, and have been translated into many languages.

Publishing house:

Penguin Books





