The Prosperity Paradox

Clayton M. Christensen, Efosa Ojomo , Karen Dillon

The Prosperity Paradox



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The authors of The Prosperity Paradox explore and reveal the paradox of most of the interventions that have been carried out to end poverty in the third world. The book explains that many of the solutions used and millions of dollars spent on charity to help many third world countries out of poverty have not produced results and that they have sometimes even made countries poorer, left with redundant infrastructures for which they have to bear the financial burden. The authors suggest that the best way forward to overcome poverty is through the right type of innovation, which brings about the creation of new companies and markets that in turn promote the development of the country in which they operate. Using examples of countries such as America, South Korea and Japan, and cases in which some of their respective companies have played a role in their development, the authors present a system of economic development based on innovation which enables a country to dig itself out of poverty.

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Analysis and key concepts


The prosperity paradox and investment in new markets


How important innovation is in the creation of prosperity in an economy and how to use it to resolve the prosperity paradox


Classification of the different types of work and of the different impacts that they each have on the market


The impact of innovators on the development and prosperity of countries


The impact of development and prosperity on a country’s culture


How to transform the prosperity paradox into a prosperity process




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Many useful tips to:

  • Look at ways to free the world from poverty and better understand the mechanisms of prosperity.
  • Learn to see opportunities where most of the world would see unfertile ground.
  • Truly learn what poverty is, what prosperity is and how to free countries from the former by guiding them towards the latter.

Clayton M. Christensen is a professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School. He is also co-founder of Innosight, a managerial consulting company; of Rose Park Advisors, an investment company, and of The Unnosight Institute, a non-profit think tank. He has written eight highly influential books, among which is the bestseller The Innovator’s Solution, How Will You Measure Your Life? And Disrupting Class. The New Yorker has called him “the most influential business thinker on earth”.

Efosa Ojomo is a researcher at the Christensen Institute and co-author of The Prosperity Paradox: How Innovation Can Lift Nations out of Poverty. His work focuses on the use of the Destructive Innovation Theory to help nations build a path to long-term growth and prosperity.

Karen Dillon is a graduate from Cornell University and Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism. Ashoka named her one of the world’s most influential women and a great source of inspiration. Former editor of the Harvard Business Review, she is now editor of the Global Prosperity team and co-author of The Prosperity Paradox: How Innovation Can Lift Nations out of Poverty.

Publishing house:

Harper Business





