The Pumpkin Plan

Mike Michalowicz

Mike Michalowicz

The Pumpkin Plan



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Create an exceptional company by applying the right rules for any business sector: the promise made by The Pumpkin Plan: A Simple Strategy to Grow a Remarkable Business In Any Field is that of offering a winning approach aimed at this result. The key point is that being successful, it is not enough to be profitable, far from it. The catchphrase here is “Pumpkin Plan”, which involves carefully selecting, growing and improving your product, but also the client that you are targeting, feeling certain that “more” very rarely means “better”.

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Analysis and key concepts


A successful company is not always a healthy one: the strategy to make it grow involves cutbacks and selection, just the same as growing giant pumpkins


The business compass is built through understanding what your strengths are and how big your potential for growth is


To grow record-breaking pumpkins, the seed must be top notch, in the same way a unique product or service must form the basis of a successful company


Taking advantage of the “tinge” factor means positioning yourself in a particular way on the market and making yourself unique


Organising the business activity into a system: selecting worthwhile customers also allows you to select worthwhile products, meaning those that are profitable.


The top three ways to get rid of bad clients: cut services, increase prices, interrupt unprofitable relationships


The right organisation chart for a “prize winning” company is built with the future in mind, not by describing the present




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Many useful tips to:

  • Transform a company that works into one that makes money.
  • Learn to select the product that a company should focus on.
  • Be able to select the best clients to help your business grow.

As well as being a bestselling author in the business world, Mike Michalowicz shares his business acumen through an established activity as a columnist. He writes for publications such as the Wall Street Journal and Entrepreneur Magazine, and has participated in television shows for NBC, MSNBC, Fox News and ABC News Now. In addition to his entrepreneurship, his activity as a trainer is dedicated to behavioural marketing techniques.

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