The Rise of the Ultra Runners

Adharanand Finn

The Rise of the Ultra Runners



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In The Rise of the Ultra Runners, Adharanand Finn, a journalist and seasoned runner, shares his personal experiences of competing in various races, and interviews some of the most famous athletes on the ultra running scene, including Kilian Jornet and Dean Karnazes. The book analyses the reasons that push people to enter ultramarathons, such as a sense of personal challenge, a need to break from their day-to-day monotony, and a desire to gain a simpler perspective on life. Finn also looks at the technical aspects of ultra running, like nutrition and equipment, and how runners cope with the many physical and mental challenges they face. This is a must-read for anyone who is interested in ultra running, or running in general, and provides a fascinating glimpse into this niche sport.

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Analysis and key concepts


A sense of personal challenge is just one of the reasons why more and more people are starting to get involved in long-distance running


Many runners take part in ultramarathons to clear their minds and escape from everyday stress


Ultra running requires excellent physical performance and incredible endurance


Nutrition is another key aspect in ultramarathon running


Meditation, visualisation, and mindfulness are extremely helpful in preparing the body and mind for long-distance running


Several runners have helped make ultra running the popular and adventurous sport it is today


The ultra running community has changed a lot over the years


Ultra runners continue to enter races, even though there is no big prize at stake


Ultra runners have to find the right balance between running, work, and family life


Today, ultra runners can rely on technology for support during races




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Many useful tips to:

  • Learn about the world of distance running and the challenges ultra runners face.
  • Explore how the culture of ultra running has changed over time, and how this affects the sport of ultramarathons.
  • Discover how ultra running can teach us about ourselves and help us reflect on our relationship with nature and our own sense of personal challenge.

Adharanand Finn was born in 1974 and is a British journalist, who worked for several years for The Guardian and The Independent. Finn is also an author, and is best known for writing books on running, including Born to Run, The Japanese Art of Running, and the internationally acclaimed The Rise of the Ultra Runners. He has competed in many long-distance running events, including several ultramarathons, and is also passionate about Japanese culture. He currently lives in Devon with his wife and three children.

Publishing house:

Pegasus Books





