The Seven Spiritual Laws for Parents

Deepak Chopra

The Seven Spiritual Laws for Parents



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The various philosophies and religions of every historical era have all attempted, in one way or another, to describe the journey of the spirit. According to the author, whatever our conception of spirituality may be, it is impossible not to recognise the value of a life that is dedicated to the search for something that unifies all things. Deepak Chopra maintains that it is precisely this connection that drives our success, and that when we are guided by our deepest desire to connect with the world, we become our true selves. In The Seven Spiritual Laws for Parents, the author summarises these thoughts into a series of daily practices that can be applied to parenting. Spirituality allows us to cultivate compassion and acceptance, and when we pass these values on to our children, they are transformed into unconditional love.

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Analysis and key concepts


Human beings are made up of a body, mind, and spirit; in order to achieve success, we have to keep all three in harmony by embracing our spirituality


Deepak Chopra’s seven spiritual laws give parents the tools to raise independent, compassionate, and happy children


Children go through many stages of growth, and parents must provide inspiration and loving guidance


Every day is an opportunity to cultivate an environment of spirituality and openness to the world


A parent’s role is to encourage their child to listen to their desires, which guide them to seek a connection to something bigger than themselves




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Many useful tips to:

  • Embody the value of spirituality in everyday life.
  • Raise happy, confident children.
  • Improve your relationship with your pre-teen.

Deepak Chopra is an Indian physician and author, who specialises in alternative medicine. He has written over ninety books, including several bestsellers, which have been translated into forty-three languages. He is also the founder of two organizations which conduct wellness research on humanism, spirituality, and science, one being an NGO, called The Chopra Foundation, and the other is Chopra Global. Although he has received some criticism over the years from those who consider his theories to be unsubstantiated pseudo-scientific maxims, he has also spoken at several prestigious universities, including Harvard, and has been featured in Time magazine’s list of the one hundred most influential people in the world.

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