The Space Barons

Christian Davenport

The Space Barons



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This book embarks us on a journey with the men who are trying to conquer space, enabling the entry of startups in a sector which had been traditionally monopolized by the governments. The Space Barons tells us the story of Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson and Paul Allen; the entrepreneurs who decided to venture into this field and obtain unparalleled results, and who have the common goal to start a new “spacial era”, with new perspectives which were unimaginable until now, such as private travel into outer space.

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Analysis and key concepts


Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson and Paul Allen, and their project to conquer space


2000-2005: The strategies to draw attention to space travel and the first tests


2006-2010: Launch of Falcon 1 to Falcon 9


2011-2014: years marked by launches, diatribes, findings and promises


2015-2017: new successes and failures, and Musk’s plans to go to Mars and build a base on the Moon




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Many useful tips to:

  • Understand how a startup mentality has succeeded in a sector which was traditionally monopolized by states and governments.
  • Get to know the intrigues and adventures of the new space race.
  • Inspire Star Trek fans whose childhood dream was to travel through space.

Christian Davenport has been a reporter for the Washington Post since 2000 and he is currently in charge of the space and defense industry for the financial section of the newspaper. He received the Peabody Award for his work on veterans with traumatic brain injury and has been nominated three times as a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize. He is the author of As You Were: To War and Back with the Black Hawk Battalion of the Virginia National Guard. He lives in Washington D. C. with his wife and three children.

Publishing house:

Public Affairs





