The Startup Owner’s Manual

Steve Blank, Bob Dorf

The Startup Owner’s Manual



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A startup cannot be built following a traditional business model: The Startup Owner’s Manual lays out the most reliable process by which any business entity can, in fact, be guided on its search for the model which best suits its needs. For company founders, this is a real step by step user guide which takes us through each phase of the transformation from a startup to a fully-fledged company.

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Analysis and key concepts


The traditional model of starting a company can no longer work because it is based on assumptions


Customer development puts the customer at the centre of all planning right from day one


Customer discovery is the first step on a journey that begins with the initial idea, and leads to the building of a company


Customer validation is a process which facilitates quantitative testing of the entire business model


Optimisation of visitor volume, of the cost to the consumer and of the conversion of passers-by into customers: strategies for digital startups




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Many useful tips to:

  • Minimise the risk of market access to your business entity.
  • Learn what “customer risk” is and how to manage it.
  • Help ensure your company reaches its maximum potential.

Steve Blank is an entrepreneur and an adjunct professor of entrepreneurship at Stanford; he lectures at the UC Berkeley Haas School of business, and is a senior fellow at Columbia University. He is acknowledged as having created the customer development method that launched the lean startup movement. His Lean Launchpad class has become the standard form of commercialisation for all federal research. He has played a role in founding eight tech startups in 21 years.

Bob Dorf is probably the biggest expert in the Lean Customer Development method on the planet; he travels the world, flitting between Russia, Latin America and the United States, working as a consultant, and he teaches at Columbia Business School. He has founded seven companies

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