The Success Principles

Jack Canfield

The Success Principles



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Every day is the right day to begin to turn our lives around, and build the life we have always dreamt of. To get from where we are today, to where we have always wanted to be, we need to learn the principles that successful people apply to their lives, and commit to sticking to them: it is a slow, sometimes tiring, process, but it is one which can provide immense satisfaction, and give real meaning to our lives. In his book, The Success Principles, Jack Canfield explains those principles, providing us with a precious manual to accompany us on our journey to realisation.

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Analysis and key concepts


By following just a few key principles, everyone can enjoy a successful life


You cannot even think about becoming a winner unless you are prepared to get in the driving seat of your own life and turn it around


Every success story begins with the decision to get up and take action


Feedback and consistency are our two best allies on the journey to fulfilment


To turn your dreams into reality you need to select the right team


Our relationships play a key role in our success


Successful people have a healthy relationship with money




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Many useful tips to:

  • Get to know the essential rules to follow to change your life and become successful.
  • Help you begin to surround yourself with the right people so that you succeed in your endeavours.
  • Make the most of the power of relationships to truly thrive in all areas of your life.

Jack Canfield is an American author and motivator. After studying at Harvard and the University of Massachusetts, he began his career as a teacher, and soon realised he had a passion for personal growth. It was this passion that led him to co-write his most famous book Chicken Soup for the Soul, with Mark Victor Hansen. The duo wrote other successful books including Dare to Win: The Guide to Getting What You Want Out of Life, The Aladdin Factor: How to Ask for What You Want – and Get It, and The Success Principles: An Action Plan for Getting from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be.

Publishing house:

Harper Collins





