The Uninhabitable Earth

David Wallace-Wells

The Uninhabitable Earth



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The Uninhabitable Earth presents a realistic picture of the future, and it’s not so bright. The world is slowly dying, and one of the main causes is climate change. Rising sea levels, melting ice, food shortages and growing drought are just some of the elements that contribute to the deterioration of the health of our planet. While today’s situation might be critical, the future promises to be disastrous. If we do not take immediate action to slow down this process of destruction, then it will be short-lived. By the time we open our eyes to the fact that we should have, and could have, done things differently, it will be too late. Voted "book of the year 2019" by The Sunday Times, The Uninhabitable Earth is one of those catastrophic texts that leaves us struggling to imagine a future other than the one it describes. Perhaps it will help wake us up before it is too late?

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Analysis and key concepts


Climate change represents a threat and inevitable challenge for the future


According to Wallace-Wells, climate change causes 12 components of chaos that threaten our future


The rise in temperature will cause a struggle to survive


Drought and hunger will be the inevitable consequences of climate change


Among the environmental disasters of the future, we must also consider fires and unbreathable air


The problem of the water levels rising is so severe that it is affecting all marine life. Everywhere.


The problem of microbes and bacteria of the future is still unknown




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Many useful tips to:

  • Discover the opinion of David Wallace-Wells about life on earth in the near future.
  • Take a closer look at the effects of climate change.
  • Understand the impact, and the real consequences, global warming can have on human beings.

David Wallace-Wells is an American journalist, deputy editor of The New York Magazine and former deputy editor of Paris Review. Engaged in the study and research of issues related to climate change, Wallace-Wells also writes for The Guardian. Since 2017, his work has been specifically focussed on the effects of global warming. His book, The Uninhabitable Earth, is the result of years of scientific analysis and research, and has quickly become a best-seller.

Publishing house:

Random House





