This Changes Everything

Naomi Klein

This Changes Everything



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It seems hard to believe, but in rich nations, climate change is not a universally accepted and recognised issue. This Changes Everything describes how the denial strategy has been particularly effective in the United States, meaning that precious time has been wasted and that we are now inching ever closer to disaster with every day that passes. In order to reverse the trend, we have to start reducing our consumption by adopting new ways of living and implementing sustainable models of development. The future of our entire planet rests on our ability to decisively and effectively introduce new and improved climate policies.

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Analysis and key concepts


The strategy of denial: climate change is either portrayed as a ‘trojan horse of eco communism’, or not talked about at all


The position on climate change, on its causes, and its effects, is a highly political issue: liberals tend to acknowledge the threat, while conservatives generally believe that it is all a lie


The issue of climate change also revolves around money: there is an increasingly evident connection between the refusal to accept scientific proof of climate change, and social and economic privilege


The effects of cheap labour and the use of dirty energy have a boomerang effect on Western countries: rising emissions driven by globalisation affect the whole world


In the meantime, we have to start consuming less, and fast: this is something we can all do, because it does not require a technological or infrastructural revolution


It is crucial that we rethink our habits, and redesign our cities, so that we can go back to the relatively healthy lifestyles of the 1960s and 1970s, when emissions were still under control




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Many useful tips to:

  • Learn more about the debate on climate change.
  • Stand up against the denial strategy.
  • Actively participate in decisions that affect the climate.

Naomi Klein is a journalist and columnist for such newspapers as The New York Times, Rolling Stone, and The Guardian. She has written several international bestsellers that examine the ‘defects’ of modern society and their impact on the world. She holds the Gloria Steinem Chair in Media, Culture and Feminist Studies at Rutgers University, in Brunswick, New Jersey, and is co-founder of the climate justice organisation The Leap.

Publishing house:

Simon & Schuster





